Annual Awards Night
Each year, the Geographical Society of New South Wales holds an Awards Night to celebrate the achievements of both professional geographers and students who have made a significant contribution to geography. The night provides a wonderful opportunity for members and friends of the Society to reconnect and celebrate the special efforts and contributions of people within the geography community. Awards include:
- Fellowship Award (awarded on alternate years). For more information about this award, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- MacDonald Holmes Award (awarded on alternate years). For more information about this award, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- Life Member Award. For more information about this award, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- Dorothy R Taylor Award for best paper and David G Stead Award for best paper by an Early Career Researcher, published in the Australian Geographer in 2017. For more information about these awards, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- University Student Prizes. Awarded to the top student at each university in NSW in each of the following years; year 1, year 2 and year 3. For more information about these awards, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- Jim Rose Awards. Awarded to Honours/Masters students at the Society's annual Honours/Masters Conference. For more information about these awards, including previous recipients of the award, please click here.
- Post-Doctoral Geography Scholars Award. For more information about these awards please click here.
2021 Awards Video
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the Society put together a video to honour the 2021 Award winners. Congratulations to all our Award Winners on their fabulous achievements.
2020 Awards Video
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the Society put together a video to honour the 2020 Award winners. Congratulations to all our Award Winners on their fabulous achievements.