Funding Opportunities
The Geographical Society of New South Wales provides a number of funding opportunites to encourage and promote geography in New South Wales and throughout Australia. These include:
Postdoctoral Conference Travel Grants
These Awards are targeted at early-career researchers, post-PhD submission. The aim of these Awards is to support the research program of early career geographers in their efforts to maintain research momentum, post-doctorate. There are six (6) Annual Awards (2 x AUD$1,500 and 4 x AUD$500) for post-doctoral geography scholars. Click here for more information.
Symposium Support Funding
Each year, the Society provides financial support for a range of symposia that address important and timely issues, from within the discipline of geography. Funding is available to a maximum of $5000 to support the convening of workshops, seminars or small conferences. Click here for more information.
Writing Retreat Grants
The purpose of the Society's writing retreat is to provide members of the Society with a dedicated block of time, as well as collegiate interaction, networking and support, for the development of focused advances in academic writing. With input and guidance from 'expert' facilitators, the retreat will provide a collective opportunity for thinking through how to write both productively and in lively, engaging styles. The GSNSW will also offer 16 scholarships to assist members who are students, precariously employed and/or have no institutional support to assist in funding the costs of attending this event. Click here for more information about the writing retreat and scholarships provided.