Symposium Support Funding
Symposium Funding Scheme: Application Guidelines 2024
Application Closing Date: 30 September 2024.
The Geographical Society of New South Wales (GSNSW) is pleased to provide financial support for a range of symposia that address important and timely issues, from within the discipline of geography. Funding is available to a maximum of $5000 to support the convening of workshops, seminars or small conferences conducted in the period of 2024 to 30 June 2025.
Applications should include a clear overview of the aims and objectives of the proposed symposium, along with a statement regarding contributions to the discipline and costings. It is envisaged that all proposed symposia combine established researchers in the area of geography, as well as early career researchers.
It is expected that symposia outcomes will be disseminated through publication via recognised publishing houses or refereed journals. Plans for publication should be clearly stated. Applicants are encouraged to consider submissions to the Society’s journal, The Australian Geographer. In addition, the Society would require applicants to prepare short reports for inclusion in the Society’s annual report to members and on the Society's dedicated website. Successful applicants must acknowledge the support received by GSNSW in all promotional and media activity, as well as subsequent publications.
You do not need to be a current member of the Society when applying for this Award. However, current membership will be considered favourably. Conditions for accepting the Award include becoming a member of the Society, if you are not already.
Criteria for assessment:
Applications will be considered solely on the basis of the information provided on the application form. The assessing committee will assess applications in terms of:
- Timeliness and relevance of the theme
- Quality and range of participants
- Quality of the proposal
- Potential contribution of the symposia to the discipline of geography
- Anticipated outcomes and their dissemination.
Applicants are asked to download the application form and submit it to the Society's Executive Officer, Madeleine Miller at
Application Form: GSNSW Symposium Funding Application Form 2024
Care Infrastructure in Unequal Worlds - Prof Kathy mee, Emma Mitchell, Emma Power, IIan Wiesel, Miriam Williams.
Indigenising Geography Curricula in University Education - Paul Hodge, Lara Daley, Michelle Duffy, Melina Ey, Kathy Mee, Meg Sherval and Sarah Wright.
Reclaiming infrastructures for abolitionist urban futures - Naama Blatman, Andrew Burrudge, Sage Ponter and Suraya Scheba.
Precarious labour geographies, mobilities and marginalisation in the visitor economy - Donna James, Joseph Cheer and Emma Power.