Study Tours
Varied Programs of Study Tours for Society Members
The Geographical Society of New South Wales supports a varied program of study tours that open up opportunities for members of the general public as well as specialist geographers to see and experience places in ways that might not otherwise be possible.
Over several decades, the Society’s study tours have visited almost every part of the globe, and exciting plans are underway to provide even more groundbreaking study tours in the future.
The Society’s study tours are currently organised by Heather Rushton.

Heather Rushton
Heather Rushton, Tours Manager at ACR, is a keen traveller. Her first extended overseas trip was in 1982 and since then she has visited over 120 countries on all seven continents. A ‘veteran’ of 20 Geographical Society Study Tours with Colin Sale, Heather understands the appeal of more unusual destinations. Although Heather’s background is English and History teaching rather than Geography, she has a great interest in the way that environment has shaped and continues to shape the way people live. Since 2014 Heather has led tours to diverse locations from the Caribbean to the Arctic Circle. A copy of her latest Newsletter with information about upcoming tours can be found here. To receive information about these tours contact Heather by email at